El se enlistará el 24 de Agosto; y lo ha pospuesto hasta esa fecha ya que actualmente se encuentra filmando Bean Paste; una película con Lee Yo Won.
El se reportará a la armada en Nonsan la próxima semana. El está planeando filmar hasta el 23 de agosto. Una fuente dijo "Lee Dong Wook tiene una tremenda devoción a esta película. Todo el staff está muy conmovido en ver que pone mucho esfuerzo hasta el final"
Eng: Actor Lee Dong-wook is beginning his military service next week. He enlists on August 24.
He had looked at postponing his enlistment date, as he is currently filming Bean Paste, a movie with Lee Yo-won. However, that did not go as hoped, and he will be reporting to the army training facility in Nonsan next week.
As a result, Lee is planning on filming through his very last day, August 23. A source with the film said, “Lee Dong-wook has a tremendous amount of devotion to this movie. The whole staff is touched to see him putting in his all through the very last.”
Traducción al español: Felicity
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