La nueva canción que promocionará Super Junior es de E-Tribe y se titula <너라고 (It’s You)>. Ellos son conocidos por la canción de Lee Hyori y de SNSD .
La canción será incluida en el repackage album de Super Junior que saldrá el 7 de mayo.
Recientemente cuando los reporteros se encontraron con ellos, preguntaron por la espectativas que tienen con la canción y Super Junior dijo que la canción principal del album era Sorry Sorry y que E-Tribe estuvo compitiendo por ella. La canción de E-Tribe es sofisticada y adictiva lo cual atraerá aún mñas a las fans.
Las fans están esperando or otro gran hit cuando se mezcle el estilo de E-Tribe con el de Super Junior.
Mientras que en este album la composición de Ryeo Wook y Sung Min para <첫번째 이야기 (Love U More)> también es buena.
Adicionalmente, se informó que las promociones de 너라고 (It’s You) han sido pospuestas para algún día de mayo, no como se informó en un inicio que sería a inicios de este mes.
Eng: Repackage' release and song' promotion Popular group Super Junior's will challenge the composer of for 2 consecutive hits.
The popularity of 3rd album titlewill overlap their activities with E-Tribe's song. The title of the song is <너라고 (It’s You)>. E-Tribe is a well known composer with Lee Hyori's and SNSD's
This song won't be included on Super Junior 3rd album but will be included on the Repackage album which will be released on May 7th.
Recently, when the reporters met them and asked about their expectations for the song, Super Junior said that "The title song on this album actuallyand E-Tribe were competing for it. E-Tribe's song is also a sophisticated and addictive song which will attract the fans more into it.
Fans are expecting another big hit when E-Tribe's music style meets with Super Junior.
Meanwhile, in this album, Ryeowook's music composition and Sungmin's lyrics on <첫번째 이야기 (Love U More)> is also a good song.
The popularity of 3rd album title
This song won't be included on Super Junior 3rd album but will be included on the Repackage album which will be released on May 7th.
Recently, when the reporters met them and asked about their expectations for the song, Super Junior said that "The title song on this album actually
Fans are expecting another big hit when E-Tribe's music style meets with Super Junior.
Meanwhile, in this album, Ryeowook's music composition and Sungmin's lyrics on <첫번째 이야기 (Love U More)> is also a good song.
Créditos: Soompi + Felicity's Home
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