miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

[Son DamBi] Mientras la filmación de Hype Nation está en Stand By

Son DamBi se suponía tendría el rol principal de Esther en la película Hype Nation, pero debido a problemas financieros y a la recesión económica la filmación ha sido parada aunque se suponía continuaría en enero.
Mientras ella se mantiene ocupada.. Planea continuar con su próximo album a final de mes y se mantiene ocupada con clases de actuación y practicando su inglés. Incluso planea salir en un nuevo drama.

Eng: Son Dambi was supposed to play the female lead named Esther. However, due to financial distress related to the economic recession, filming of "Hype Nation" has been delayed yet again. It seems that this project already had a hard enough time getting off the ground, with an initial delay back in January and months of planning. In the mean time, she's keeping herself busy. She has plans to continue with the release of her next album at the end of this month. Son Dambi is also keeping busy with acting lessons and practicing her English. She also has plans to star in an upcoming drama.

Créditos: Allkpop + Felicity's Home

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