Los actores de Boys Over Flowers están perdiendo peso debido al poco tiempo de sueño y no comer correctamente. Los miembros del cast Lee Minho, Kim Hyun Joong y Goo Hye Sun han perdido peso notablemente.
Específicamente Lee Min Ho ha perdido 8Kg, Kim Hyun Joong 6Kg desde que inició la producción. La agencia está trabajando en proveerles de suplementos nutricionales pero no es suficiente.
Eng: Management officials are admitting the actors are losing weight, lacking sleep and not eating right due to their popularity. Cast members Lee Minho, Kim Hyun Joong and Goo Hye Sun all have noticeably lost weight.
Specifically, Lee Minho has lost 8kg (around 18 pounds) and Kim Hyun Joong has lost about 6kg (around 13 pounds) since production began. The agency is working to provide nutritional supplements but it's still not enough.
Créditos: Allkpop + Felicity's Home
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