sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

[Koyote] ‘Nonsense’ on Music Core con Kim Jong Min

El grupo Koyote se presentó con su canción ‘Nonsense’ en MBC Music Core el 13 de junio en el IlSan MBC Dream Centre.

Ahora sólo están promocionando ShinJi y BbaekGa, pero ese día en el performance, el mimebro Kim Jong Min estuvo de backdancer usando una máscara.

La audiencia disfrutó viéndolo bailar las lado de ShinJi y BbaekGa en el performance e inclusó se le unió a BbaekGa en el rap.

Eng: Group Koyote had performed their current hit ‘Nonsense’ on MBC Music Core on 13th June at the IlSan MBC Dream Centre.
Right now the group is promoting as a duo with members ShinJi and BbaekGa. But on this day of their performance, member Kim Jong Min is back as a backdancer wearing a mask.
The audience had enjoyed to see the backdancer dancing next to ShinJi and BbaekGa during the performance. There was also a part where BbaekGa had joined with the rap portion to the song when this backdancer had entered from the main stage with a funny dance.

Créditos: KBites
Traducción al español: Felicity

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