El popular grupo masculino Super Junior, de entre todos los Sunbae del grupo Shinhwa, eligieron a Shin Hye Sung como el miembro al que más se quieren parecer.
Super Junior estuvo en la grabación del programa KBS 2TV "Star Golden Bell" cuando les hicieron la pregunta. Kyu Hyun dijo "Porque me gustan los juegos de computadora, Shin Hye Sung me permitió ser presentado con Pro Game company Gam Dok (감독). A través del duro trabajo de Shin Hye Sung sunbaenim, he podido conocer muchos jugadores, por eso estoy realmente agradecido" Lo cual causó la risa del público.
Eng: Popular male group Super Junior, among the members of sunbae group Shinhwa, chose Shin Hye Sung as the member they wanted to be most like.
Super Junior, while appearing on a recent KBS 2TV "Star Golden Bell" recording, when asked the question about which sunbae among Shinhwa members they want to most be like, placed Shin Hye Sung in the first position. Particularly, Super Junior member Gyu Hyun-Eun revealed, "Because I lke to place computers on a regular basis, Shin Hye-Sung allowed me to be introduced to Pro Game company Gam Dok (감독). Through Shin Hye Sung sunbaenim's hard work I've been able to get to know many pro-gamers, so I was happy and grateful." This revelation caused the recording space to break into laughter.
Créditos: Soompi + Felicity's Home
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