Shin Hye Sung tendrá su solo 3rd Concert! Ahora se está preparando para su 3rd Live Tour luego del completo éxito de su Asia Tour el pasado noviembre en el que visitó Seúl, Shangai y Nagoya y Osaka en Japón. Fue un total de 25000 personas.
Este 2 y 3 de mayo, estará en el Ehwa Women’s University Auditorium de Seúl para su “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Seoul.”
El 31 de Mayo a las 5pm en el KBS Pusan Hall para el “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Pusan.”
Eng: Shin Hye Sung is holding his third solo concert.
Shin Hye Sung is in the midst of preparing his third live tour, after successfully completing his Asia Tour last November – in which he visited Seoul, China’s Shanghai, and Japan’s Nagoya and Osaka. In total some 25,000 people attended.
This coming May 2-3, for two days at Seoul’s Ehwa Women’s University Auditorium, he will be holding “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Seoul.”
On the 31st of May at 5:00 pm at KBS Pusan Hall he will hold “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Pusan.”
Shin Hye Sung is in the midst of preparing his third live tour, after successfully completing his Asia Tour last November – in which he visited Seoul, China’s Shanghai, and Japan’s Nagoya and Osaka. In total some 25,000 people attended.
This coming May 2-3, for two days at Seoul’s Ehwa Women’s University Auditorium, he will be holding “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Seoul.”
On the 31st of May at 5:00 pm at KBS Pusan Hall he will hold “2009 SHIN HYE SUNG Keep Leaves Tour in Pusan.”
Créditos: Asian Fanatics + Felicity's Home
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