Habiendo sido diagnosticada inicialmente de haber sufrido un shock en el accidente de auto en el que estuvo, se reportó que las heridas ge Goo Hye Sun son más serias de lo que se esperaba.
El representante de Goo Hye Sun dijo: "No pensamos que era serio inicialmente cuando Hye Sun estaba sentada al lado del conductor, sufrió cortes alrededr de los labios luego del accidente. Luego de tratamiento en un local médico, la región alrededor de los labios comenó a sangrar y fue imposible filmar ese día porque era visible."
Eng: Having been initially diagnosed with just shock after being involved in a car accident yesterday morning, it was reported today that Goo Hye Sun's injuries were far worse than expected.
Goo Hye Sun's representative expressed, "We did not think it was that serious intially when Hye Sun who was sitting beside the driver, suffered cracks around her lips after the accident. After treatment at the local medical facility which included sewing for her cracked lips, the region around her lips started swelling and made filming impossible today since it was particularly visible."
Créditos: Allkpop + Felicity's Home
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